Does Garage Space Count in Square Footage?

Does Garage Space Count in Square Footage?

Typically, garage space does not count towards the square footage of a home in residential real estate listings, as square footage usually refers to finished, livable areas. Professional appraisers often follow guidelines that exclude garages from the main living area square footage but may list them separately. However, local variations and specific contexts, such as building codes and permits, may include garage space for other purposes.

Generally speaking:

  1. Residential Listings: In many residential real estate listings, the square footage of a home typically refers to the "finished" living area. This usually excludes the garage. Finished living areas are typically heated and cooled spaces intended for daily living.
  2. Appraisals: Professional appraisers often follow guidelines from organizations like the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or specific lender requirements. These guidelines usually do not include garages in the main living area square footage but might include them separately.
  3. Local Variations: Some regions might have different practices or standards for what is included in the square footage. It's always best to check with local real estate professionals or appraisers for specifics.
  4. Building Codes and Permits: For building permits and code compliance, the total square footage of a building, including garages, might be considered to determine zoning regulations, property taxes, and other legal requirements.

While garages are typically not included in the living area square footage for residential listings, they can be considered in other contexts. It's important to understand the specific context and standards being used.