What is Cherre and How is it Used in Commercial Real Estate?

What is Cherre?

Cherre is a leading platform in the real estate industry that specializes in data management and analytics. It allows organizations to connect all their real estate data, making it accessible across the organization for enhanced investment, management, and underwriting decisions. The platform is powered by artificial intelligence and offers the most comprehensive connected data available. This enables users at every level of an organization to make confident decisions regarding investment, underwriting, and management by providing a unified view of their entire portfolio, instant report generation, performance tracking and optimization, and a deep understanding of markets and comparable properties. Additionally, Cherre offers a Data Kit specifically designed for Single Family Residential (SFR) investors, comprising filtered and integrated data tailored to their needs.

Cherre also boasts a best-in-class real estate data vendor network, facilitating turnkey, seamless connections. This network aims to simplify the integration and use of data within the commercial real estate sector, enhancing leasing, property management, acquisition, and financing processes. By providing easy access to a diverse range of data through a single API, Cherre enables real estate professionals, app developers, and data scientists to visualize, analyze, and model their connected data for accurate reporting, deeper insights, and informed decision-making​

Cherre was co-founded by Ben Hizak and L.D. Salmanson, who have been friends since the fourth grade and business partners since junior high. Before Cherre, Ben co-founded Sirenum, a UK-based software company, and L.D. co-founded Greencrest Capital, where he recognized the potential for data-driven investment and underwriting decision-making in the industry. This realization led him to programmatically connect disparate data, uncovering hidden insights and opportunities. L.D. later sold Greencrest Capital to Oppenheimer and became the Executive Director of Oppenheimer’s Private Shares Group. Together, they aimed to address the challenges in the real estate market related to data disparity, launching Cherre with a vision to transform real estate investing and underwriting into a science by connecting all real estate data for better investment and underwriting decisions.

Make real-time data your competitive advantage!

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