Why I Decided To Bootstrap My PropTech Company HelloData
In this article, I’ll explain why in 2024, it’s better for startup founders to bootstrap their startup, not just for as long as they can, but maybe forever.
I'm pleased to announce that I recently launched HelloData.ai, it is an ensemble of solutions for extracting data from real estate documents and websites, enriching it with supplemental sources, and using it for prediction and automation. After working in Data Science for Real Estate for years, I initially used my knowledge to solve my housing problems, and since I had some time to R&D, that eventually became something much bigger. Here is how the various pieces of the puzzle came together:
All that gathered data was ideal for analyzing how those detailed characteristics worked together. How much are corridor square feet worth compared to those of a larger bedroom? Does any room layout offer an unfair advantage and generate more demand than others? Are there good practices for writing listing descriptions? I could answer these questions using the technology that had already been built!
It's more products than what startups usually get to build, but the synergy between all of them is so valuable, I believe it's worth not doing it by the book. In the current economical context where businesses must optimize their processes, speed them up and automatize the boring work, I surely hope that we will be able to create a ton of value! Don’t hesitate to DM me if you are interested in getting a demo!
HelloData.ai was founded by data scientists and engineers with proven real estate domain expertise to help real estate professionals and PropTech companies build data driven products. We’ve built data pipelines, predictive algorithms and workflow automation technology for startups, publicly traded companies, and everything in between. We offer a suite of APIs help you extract data from real estate documents and websites, enrich it with supplemental sources, and use it for prediction and automation. Learn more about us below: