HelloData's Estimated Unit Mix

The Estimated Unit Mix: Recreating Rent Rolls with Public Data

Since HelloData only uses public data in its rent surveys and pricing recommendations, we don't have actual rent rolls and unit mixes.

Instead, what we do is track the percentage of listings are associated with each floorplan in a property, and use this figure to estimate how many units are in each floorplan. In benchmarking our results with some of our largest clients, we've found that this approach yields unit counts within 1-2 units of actual figures.

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HelloData Estimated Unit Mix

The best part is that if you use the dropdown on the left, you can see the full detail behind each unit that leased at the property. We're recreating rent rolls for millions of properties every day as new units hit the market, all using 100% public data, and giving you this full detail on each of your comps.