Average Rents by Floorplan

Avg Rents by Floorplan

Quickly view rents by unit type and floorplan

Rents by Unit Type Detail
HelloData - Average Rents by Floorplan

One of the requests we've been hearing a lot is to view rents not only by unit type, but also by floorplan in the Rents by Unit Type table. Sometimes it helps to see how the specific floorplans within a unit type are performing over time.

We just added another level of detail to the table to accomplish this. Now when you click a property in the Rents by Unit Type table, you'll see another dropdown for each unit type, which will show the number of leased units, availabilities and average rents by individual floorplan within that unit type.

Also, you may have noticed that the numbers in the Rents by Unit Type table are underlined now... we made them all clickable, so you can easily view the unit-level data behind each average:

HelloData Clickable Concessions

This should help streamline things when people want to view active concessions or see which recently leased units contributed to each average.